Venue: Sydney Water Building, 1 Smith St Parramatta, Level 4
Date: Thursday 14 February 2019
Time: Registration from 8:00am. Event starts at 8:30am -12:00pm followed by a light lunch and networking
Cost: $150 (incl. GST) – Splash Members, CRCWSC Members
$185 (incl. GST) – Non-members
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Our changing urban form offers opportunities for vibrant, walkable suburbs that support a connected community. Urban growth and densification, climate change, and increasing health costs, are driving an increased interest in green infrastructure and water sensitive urban design due to the multiple benefits that they can provide.
In this national seminar series, we showcase innovative developments that create the types of communities we all want to live in. Each development demonstrates how integrated design can deliver leafy suburbs that connect communities through access to high-quality private spaces, streetscapes and parks, with active links to healthy urban waterways. Combined, all of this offers lifestyles that support improved physical and mental wellbeing.
This is your chance to hear from project managers of award-winning developments across Australia who have incorporated innovative urban water management into successful housing developments. The key focus of this seminar is to learn:
- why we should embrace new approaches to urban greening and sustainable urban water management
- the challenges to innovation and how they were overcome
- the enabling factors that contributed to the development’s success
- how the market is responding to these innovative developments.
White Gum Valley (Western Australia), Aquarevo (Victoria), Barangaroo, Fairwater and Willowdale (TBC) (New South Wales) have responded to community demand for sustainable housing choices, lower utility costs, and developments that offer attractive tree-lined streets to support more active lifestyles, providing high quality lifestyles.