The next Panel presentation is entitled Sediment Transport in River Engineering and will be given on the 28th April 2010, 5:30 for 6pm at the EA Auditorium Chatswood. Drinks and nibbles will be available prior to, and after, the presentation.
The presentation will be given by Professor Ali Keshavarzy, Research Fellow, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney, with the following abstract.
Sediment transport is a significant component of many environmental issues in rivers and stream channels. The process of sediment transport however is very complicated due to the interaction of sediment and flow turbulence. Using techniques, such as PIV lasers and high-speed ADVs, enables a better and more complete understanding of the interaction to be obtained. The results obtained from application of these techniques for the monitoring of flow turbulence and the prediction of sediment entrainment and deposition in a number of river engineering problems will be presented
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