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ARR 2016 Advanced Draft

The Wait is Over

A complete advanced draft of ARR is now available for industry comment and use where appropriate. The only outstanding chapter is Book 9 Chapter 6 – Modelling Approaches

This is because it is the last chapter that could be written as it is related to Books 9 and 7.

What Happens Now?

Arr draft will be available for industry comment till the end of October. At this point the editorial team will finalise the document based on user feedback and advise of a completion date. Comments should be lodged via the contact form on the arr website.

Coastal Implications and Adaptation of Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change

As part of the EA Eminent Speaker Tour, Professor Robert Nicholls, University of Southampton, UK, will speak on the topic of: “Coastal Implications and Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change“.  This is hosted by theCivil College and the National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering.

8 July 2016
3pm – 5pm
Please arrive by 2.45pm
Engineers Australia Sydney Auditorium
Ground Floor
8 Thomas Street Chatswood
NSW 2067

Pre-registration is mandatory so please see the PDF flyer for full details.

Postdoctoral Research Associate at UNSW’s Water Research Laboratory

A position for a Postdoctoral Research Associate at UNSW’s Water Research Laboratory (WRL) is currently advertised.

The position objective is to contribute towards research efforts in the field of water engineering supporting the fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering research group at WRL. In addition the appointee will support the teaching of large undergraduate courses in particular in the development of teaching materials in blended learning format.

Further details can be found in the attached position description and via this link:

The application deadline is on the 15th July. Applications are to be submitted via the UNSW career portal.

PDF with additional details..

Latest News From NZHS (HWRS) 2016

There is an announcement out for the NZHS (HWRS) 2016 conference and looks like all systems go.

  • Over 300 abstracts received
  • Keynote speakers announced as:
    • Peter Goodwin, Idaho University
    • Jen Crawford, Anderson Lloyd
    • Rory Nathan, University of Melbourne
  • Field trips
  • Exhibitors
  • Early bird registration

For full details see the main announcement:

Broken Hill Presentation Cancelled

Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to cancel the Broken Hill presentation scheduled for 24th May.  We hope to reschedule this for later in the year.

Sorry for any inconveniance.

Consequence Assessment and Risk Management of Water Dams

If you happen to be in Brisbane on the 2nd June then, on behalf of the Queensland Panel:

Consequence Assessment and Risk Management of Water Dams

Large water dams can pose a significant flood risk to downstream communities. Recent flood events across Queensland have placed the spotlight upon the management of these dams and the way in which the impact on at-risk communities is managed.

In this technical session, Peter Allen (Department of Energy and Water Supply) will present on the latest developments in Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) including their need, statutory and practical requirements and future directions. James Stuart (SunWater) will present on operational aspects of dam risk management and lessons learnt from recent flood events. Michel Raymond (Seqwater) will discuss the concept of consequence creep and resulting higher standard of upgrades and costs to dam operators and the community.

Date: Thursday 2 Jun 2016 – 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Venue: Hawken Auditorium, Engineering House, Level 1, 447 Upper Edward Street, Spring Hill 4004
Cost: EA Members & Students $10.00, Non-members $40.00

Registration is available online.

First IAHR Symposium on Hydro-Environment Sensors and Software

The following is a first announcment for the HydroSenSoft 2017: International Symposium and Exhibition on Hydro-Environment Sensors and Software.

HydroSenSoft 2017: International Symposium and Exhibition on Hydro-Environment Sensors and Software first edition will take place in March, 1st – 3rd 2017 in Madrid (Spain) at IFEMA, the trade fair institution of Madrid. It will be organized by the IAHR Madrid office together with IFEMA.

HydroSenSoft will be a privileged meeting point for instrumentation and software developers and end-users. It will be an opportunity to find out the new developments in experimental methods, instrumentation and software for hydro-environment.

An important identifying element in the Symposium is that it will take place alongside the HydroSenSoft Exhibition, which will provide an invaluable opportunity to see products and network with industry and other users.

This symposium will have three main themes:

  1. Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Tools
  2. Software tools for data acquisition and numerical modelling
  3. Application of sensors and software for hydro-environmental problems

There will be one day special session in Spanish on Application of Sensors and Software to Hydro-Environment Problems in Spain and Latin America.

The conference website with the complete list of themes, key dates and all the relevant information can be accessed at:

I would like to kindly request your Committee support by not only circulating news among your colleagues, but also, if possible,  by participating in this new event as well.

Looking forward to meeting you in HydroSenSoft.

Best regards,
On behalf of the EMI Leadership Team,
Rui Aleixo
EMI Chair

HWRS2016 Abstract Extension

The 37th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium (HWRS) will be held in Queenstown, New Zealand, in November and the call for abstracts has been extended till May 8th.

Continue Reading…

HWRS 2016 Abstract Submission Closing Soon

The 37th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium (HWRS) will be held in Queenstown, New Zealand, in November and the call for abstracts is closing soon!

Engineers Australia’s National Committee on Water Engineering, the New Zealand Hydrological Society, & IPENZ Rivers Group, are pleased to invite delegates to attend the 2016 joint Conference for the 37th Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, NZ Hydrological Society, and IPENZ Rivers Group.  The Conference is being held in Queenstown, New Zealand from 28 November – 2 December 2016.

The Conference promises to be an unforgettable event that will bring together over 400 delegates, who represent all levels of government, universities, students, researchers, contractors, suppliers and consultants. Come along for a chance to beat the New Zealanders for the coveted Hydrologic games trophy.  The conference will include field trips to the local area.

Please check the website to for conference information

Abstract submission closing soon – Click here for details. We would like to invite abstracts to be submitted through the website.

We look forward to seeing you in Queenstown in 2016.

Charles Pearson
2016 Conference Convenor

EEA 2-Day Stormwater Managment Workshop: June 2016

A 2-day Workshop entitled “Stormwater Management (source control)” has been organised by EEA (Engineering Education, Australia) for Thursday/Friday 2/3 June  2016 in Sydney. The Notes provided in the course are based on the content of the award-winning manual “WSUD: basic procedures for ‘source control’ of stormwater – a Handbook for Australian practice” edited by Professor John Argue AO (University of South Australia). This document is endorsed by Stormwater Industry Association (SIA), Australian Water Association (AWA) and by Dept of Water, Western Australia; it is included as a major reference  in Book 9, Chapter 5 of the 2015 Australian Rainfall Runoff Revision (AR&R).

The content features a balance between the three domains of WSUD (stormwater) practice – quantity control, pollution control and stormwater harvesting. Serious issues of stormwater management in Australia are posed by the prospect of 35 million population of Australia by 2050.

  • How will Sydney’s existing stormwater infrastructure and that of other major population centres in NSW  cope with change under the ‘high density’ option presently being implemented  across the State ?
  • What strategies can be adopted to enable existing (competently-performing) infrastructure to manage these changes without expensive (conventional) upgrade?
  • How can re-development in catchments with existing under-performing stormwater infrastructure be managed to enable the existing in-ground works to progressively meet greater demand without expensive (conventional) upgrade?
  • Must the creeks and natural waterways falling within the jurisdictions of metropolitan and regional municipal agencies within and  outside Sydney be sacrificed to hard-lining in the wake of the proposed expansion?

Positive answers to these and many other questions based on WSUD ‘source control’ practice will be provided in the Workshop as well as a 30-minute presentation by Dr Markus Botte on how the City of Gosnells has incorporated this practice into its cost-effective urban re-growth strategy.

The Workshop will also include results of continuous simulation modelling of high-performing filter-bioretention systems enhanced by treatment taking place in parent soil masses; the fate of dissolved pollutants is singled out for particular attention.

The short course includes: design procedures based on state-of-the-art analyses and best overseas practices adapted to Australia-wide conditions; case study illustrations drawn from field installations   with between 10 and 18 years of Australian operational history; design ‘worked examples’; introduction and access to rainwater tank sizing software applicable across Australia. The Workshop will be led by Professor John Argue AO.

Why you should attend the Workshop:

  • It is presented only once per year in Sydney;
  • It covers the three main domains of WSUD practice – quantity (urban flooding), quality (pollution treatment/control) and stormwater harvesting – in a comprehensive, integrated manner;
  • The (stormwater) retention practices covered in the Workshop are offered in the 2015 AR&R Revision alongside those of detention practice (Book 9, Chapter 5);
  • It earns participants 32 hours of CPD credit with Engineers Australia.

More information about the workshop including course content, cost and Registration Forms is available on the EEA website or by calling Damian on (03) 9321 1700.

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