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12 Days until HIWE2017 and Workshops

Registrations are filling fast and time is running out for the remaining places at the Hydraulics and Water Engineering Conference 2017 – 13th to 16th November, Dockside, Sydney. Our programme at a glance includes highlights such as:

The full programme is available online.

Hydraulic Workshop
The day starts with a Q&A session featuring prominent hydraulic modellers discuss the latest techniques and the future direct of 2D modelling. They will discuss cloud storage, GPU cards, calibration techniques, CFD and much more. Mark Forest, Practice Leader – Floodplain Management and Surface Water Modelling, HDR Engineering, Reno Nevada, USA, talk on the developments and evolution of HEC-RAS. Hear and question Software developers and vendors on the latest developments and innovations.  So far TUFLOW, DHI, 12d, Innovyze, HEC 2D and Waterride are confirmed to be present.  See the latest on Monte Carlo hydraulic modelling with direct examples of these techniques (including the Brisbane River flood study) in practice from front line engineers.

Registration Fees Will Rise on the 6th of November
Standard registration closes on 6th November and late fees will apply after that time.  Register now to lock in the standard rate.

Hydraulic Modelling Workshop @HIWE2017

With registrations from practitioners, government employees, academics, and students, and an action-packed program, HIWE is turning into a must attend event. See below for our program at a glance:

  • A choice of a Hydraulic modelling workshop with all the latest tips and tricks to put you ahead of the game or a trip to the Water research laboratory to see the physical models – there is something for everyone.
  • Find out the pros and cons of the direct rainfall method. It saves you time but is the answer as good as more traditional methods. This workshop will outline techniques that you will need to demonstrate your direct rainfall model is robust.
  • Over 40 papers on practical applications as well as hydraulic theory
  • The prestigious Henderson Oration to be given by Prof. Ron Cox, UNSW

Hydraulic modelling workshop – Wednesday

A must attend event for any Hydraulic modeller. The day will feature high profile invited speakers on the issues that are topical in Hydraulic modelling. What will you learn:

  • What will we be using in 5 years- new technologies and techniques
  • How to approach the practical problems hydraulic modellers face every day
  • What are the latest advances the software packages are offering
  • What is Monte Carlo and practical advice in the application

Get a copy of the detailed flyer to convince your boss you need to attend!

Program at a glance

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Morning Paper sessions Hydraulic modelling Workshop: Hydraulic modelling: where will we be in 5 yrs Paper sessions
Morning tea
Morning session 2 Paper sessions Hydraulic modelling Workshop:

Practical problems in Hydraulic Modelling

Paper sessions
Afternoon session 1 Paper sessions Direct Rainfall Workshop Hydraulic modelling Workshop: Innovations in 2D modelling Field trip: UNSW Water Research Lab Paper sessions
Afternoon tea
Afternoon session 2 Paper sessions Direct Rainfall Workshop Hydraulic modelling Workshop: Monte Carlo: All your questions answered Field trip: UNSW Water Research Lab Paper sessions
Evening Welcome Drinks Henderson Oration: Ron Cox Conference Dinner

The National Manual and recent research in the flood risk space


The Water Panel is running a full day seminar on the latest advances in the flood risk space and the National Manual with a specific focus on the recently released Handbook 7: Managing the floodplain: A guide to best practice floodplain management.  This publication provides guidance to assist floodplain managers in defining and managing flood risk on current and future developments.

Provisional Schedule

Time Topic Speaker
10:00 – 10:15 Overview of the day
10:15 – 11:00 National best practice flood manual Duncan McLuckie (OEH)
11:00 – 11.30 Morning tea
11:30 – 11:50 Floodways Mark Babister, (WMA)
11.50 – 12.10 National manual – hazard guidelines and cars in flood waters Grantley Smith (WRL)
12.10 – 12.30


National emergency response classification Angela Toniato (OEH)
12.30 – 1.00 National manual – planning guideline Duncan Mcluckie (OEH)


1.00 – 2.00 Lunch
2:00 – 2:30 Why people drive into flood waters Andrew Gissing (Risk Frontiers)
2.30 – 3:00 Latest investigations into flood signs John Hart (RMS)
3:00 – 3:20 Human Element of Shelter in Place Matalena Tofa (Risk Frontiers)
3:30 – 4:00 Afternoon tea
4.00 – 4.30 Shelter in place Mark Babister (WMA) and

Chris Thomas (Advisian)

4:30 – 5:00 Where to from here ????

Additional Information

The seminar will also showcase some interesting research in the flood risk space including research into colours of road signs for evacuations and why people enter flood waters. Additional discussions will be held on the supporting guidelines, such as:

  • Guideline 7-1 Using the National Generic Brief for Flood Investigations to Develop Project Specific Specifications
  • Guideline 7-2 Flood Emergency Response Classification of the Floodplain
  • Guideline 7-3 Flood Hazard
  • Template 7-4 Technical Project Brief Template
  • Guideline 7-5 Flood Information to Support Land-use Planning
  • Guideline 7-6 Assessing Options and Service Levels for Treating Existing Risk
  • Practice Note 7-7 Considering Flooding in Land-use Planning Activities

This event is for anyone who works in floodplain management, Council engineers, Consultants as well as those involved in emergency planning.


Date and Time: 19th September 2017
Registration Opens: 9am
Formal Start: 10am
Venue: UTS Aerial Function Centre

  1. EA Members $100 (includes Students)
  2. SES Members $100 (discount code: SES2017)
  3. BOM Staff $100 (discount code: BOM2017)
  4. FMA Members $100 (discount code: FMA2017)
  5. Non-Members: $130
  6. Afternoon only $65 (includes lunch)

Register online at:

Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Conference


Informa Australia is delighted to announce the forthcoming Pumped Hydro Energy Storage conference. At a pivotal time for the energy market in Australia, the recent announcement that the Federal Government is looking to develop a $2 billion expansion of the Snowy Hydro scheme has brought to the forefront of debate the potential for pumped hydro solutions. In addition to this the Federal Government’s recent announcement of funding a $450,000 grant to Energy Australia to develop a pumped hydro energy storage project in South Australia, has certainly raised the profile of the potential for this technology to be rolled out.

Bringing together key experts in this rapidly changing field, this will be a unique event at which to explore the opportunities for future growth.

Tuesday August 29th, Swissôtel Sydney.

Full details:

ARR2016: Uncertain about uncertainty?

UNSW short course in statistics and probability to support ARR2016

The release of Australian Rainfall and Runoff 2016 has focused interest on a range of sophisticated approaches for flood hydrology based on different statistical methods. This course provides an introduction and refresher of aspects of probability and statistical theory used throughout ARR2016. Attending this course will give you with the skills to best understand the theory behind the new ARR2016 methods and datasets available.

Course instructors

Dr Fiona Johnson and Dr Lucy Marshall, both academics at UNSW Sydney based in the Water Research Centre, in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Fiona Johnson has over 15 years’ experience in working as a consultant, for government and in academia, with particular expertise in flooding, extreme events, and climate change assessments of water resources systems. Fiona previously worked on the IFD Revision Project of ARR2016. Lucy Marshall has over 15 years’ experience in academia, with research interests in uncertainty analysis, hydrologic model optimization, and catchment modelling.

Location and Time

1pm to 5pm, Wednesday August 23rd, 2017
1 O’Connell St, Sydney NSW 2000
Cost: $250

To register please go to

For further information contact Fiona Johnson or (+61) 02 9385 9769.

Murray Darling Basin Plan – Rollout Update

The Murray Darling Basin Plan guides governments, regional authorities and communities to sustainably manage and use the waters of the Basin. The Plan came into effect in November 2012, and it will be reviewed and revised throughout a 7 year implementation phase.

After the very informative Q&A style debate that was held by the Water Engineering Panel back in November 2010 in relation to the merits of the then draft Plan, we invite you to attend this talk from the Chief Executive of the Murray Darling Basin Authority, Mr Phillip Glyde who will provide an update on the progress that has been made in rolling out the Plan in the last 5 years.

About the Speaker
Phillip Glyde (Chief Executive)

Phillip Glyde has been the Chief Executive of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority since January 2016. Immediately prior to this Phillip worked for the Department of Agriculture for nine years where he had responsibility for:

  • Agriculture, fisheries and forestry policy and progress; International trade and market access;
  • The regulation of live animal exports;
  • Export certification services for food; and
  • The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES).

Phillip joined the Australian Public Service in 1980 and has worked on natural resource management, industry and environment policies in a number of Australian government departments and overseas. At a national level Phillip has worked in the departments of Agriculture, Prime Minister and Cabinet, Environment, and Resources and Energy. Phillip has also worked at the Resource Assessment Commission and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research organisation (CSIRO). Phillip has an Honours Degree in Natural Resource Management from the University of New England and a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the Australian National University.

Harricks Auditorium
8 Thomas Street Chatswood NSW 2068

Tuesday 22 August 2017 5.30 pm for a 6.00 pm start

Light refreshments will be provided prior to the presentation. Sponsored by Lyall and Associates.

To ensure your place pre-registration is mandatory.

EA Members and Students: Free
All others: $30

Printable Flyer
A printable flyer is available.

Key speakers announced for Hydraulics in Water Engineering Conference

The HIWE 2017 committee are pleased to announce the following keynote speakers:

  • Ron Cox: Associate Professor and Director of External Relations in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW
  • Prof. Greg Ivey, Deputy Dean (Research), The University of Western Australia
  • Dr Heide Friedrich: Senior Lecturer, The University of Auckland

The organising committee is currently finalising an exciting programme of technical presentations.

In addition to the planned three days of technical presentations, a half day workshop is planned to discuss and train for the updated hydraulic methods in both the updated release of Australian Rainfall and Runoff with associated knowledge of the key advances from leading industry figures.

We are delighted to announce Assoc. Prof Ron Cox of the University of New South Wales, Sydney will deliver the Henderson Oration.

The Henderson Oration recognises the contribution of the science of hydraulics to the practice of hydrology and water resources engineering.

Register before 1 September 2017 to secure early bird price.

Splash Network: Adoption Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems

Date: Friday 30 June 2017
Location: Fairfield City Council, 86 Avoca Rd, Wakeley
Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm

  • Member CRC – $115 ex GST
  • Non Member – $300 ex GST

This one day workshop gives a comprehensive introduction to the Centre for Cooperative Research for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) “Adoption Guide lines for Stormwater Biofiltration System”.

The workshop will guide participants towards key content in the guidelines including; what is a biofiltration system, how do they function and what are their benefits. Participants will also work through key considerations for design, construction, handover, operation and maintenance. The workshop will also debunk some of the myths around biofiltratjon systems.

Participants will also be introduced to other useful resources referenced in the guidelines s including those developed by Water by Design (now Healthy Land and Water).
By tine end of this workshop participants will:

  • Have a good understanding of the content of the guidelines and know where they can find
    relevant information.
  • Understand what a biofiltration system is, how it functions and what are the benefits of
    these systems
  • Understand the different types of biofiltration systems and the context that they would be used
  • Identify key considerations for designing biofiltration systems at the concept stage
  • Identify common design, construction, handover, operation and maintenance issues associated with biofiltration systems.

Who should attend?
Practitioners seeking a better understanding of biofiltration systems including asset and civil engineers, development assessment officers, landscape architects, environmental officers and planners.

RSVP: Contact Kristy Good on:

Sally is a founding Director of E2Designlab and an experienced urban water
management practitioner well versed in WSUD, aquatic ecosystem remediation and the design of stormwater management systems from concept to delivery. With a background in freshwater ecology and 17 years of experience spanning both research and consultancy, Sally enjoys sharing this knowledge through capacity building.

Sally is a contributing author to industry guidelines on Water Sensitive Urban Design
and has presented numerous capacity building workshops. This has included the Bioretention Technical Design Guidelines and Bioretention Design Training Workshops for Water by Design, Queensland’s capacity building program. As active industry partners with
the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities and the previous Facility for Advancing Water
Biofiltration , E2Designlab has a focus on demonstrat ing latest thinking by putting
research into practice. As a member of the Regional Advisory Panel for the CRC Water
Sensitive Cities, Salty is helping to guide knowledge generation, translation and
adoption initiatives.

Sally was awarded the inaugural Urban Development Institute’s Women in Development Excellence Award Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in Creating a Sustainable Environment, 2009 as testament to her achievements in delivering successful on-ground applications
of WSUD.

CRC for Water Sensitive Cities: Research Projects, Products, Tools and Opportunities Seminar

Splash is excited to announce that it has organised for Jamie Ewert of the CRCWSC to come to Sydney to deliver a special one hour seminar. The seminar will provide an overview of the CRCWSC and its research program, flagship research projects and emerging tools and products. Jamie will also present case studies of innovative, integrated water management projects that have involved CRCWSC collaboration with stakeholders across Australia including involvement in the the Aquarevo Project and Fishermans Bend.

The seminar will also identify collaboration opportunities for organisations that are not currently CRCWSC partners including the CRCWSC’s research synthesis program. Participants are encouraged to take this opportunity to ask questions about projects within their organisations that may benefit from the research synthesis program.


Three hour parking is available underneath the Max Weber Library opposite the council. Alternatively Council is only a short ten minute walk from Blacktown train station.

When: 1:00 – 3:00pm Wednesday 14 June
Where: Blacktown City Council, 62 Flushcombe Rd Blacktown, Nirimba Room
Hosted by: Splash, Hunter Water and Blacktown City Council
Seminar: Jamie Ewert (Monash University | CRC for Water Sensitive Cities)

54th Presentation Of EEA 2-Day Stormwater Management Workshop: Sydney, May 2017

A 2-day Workshop entitled “Stormwater Management (source control)” has been organised by EEA (Engineering Education, Australia) for Tuesday/Wednesday, 30/31 May, in Sydney. The Notes provided in the course are based on the content of the award-winning manual “WSUD: basic procedures for ‘source control’ of stormwater – a Handbook for Australian practice” edited by Professor John Argue AO HonFIEAust (University of South Australia). This document is endorsed by Stormwater Australia, Australian Water Association (AWA) and by Dept of Water, Western Australia; it is included as a major reference in Book 9 (Urban Storm Drainage) of the current AR&R Revision.

The content features a balance between the three domains of WSUD (stormwater) practice – quantity control, pollution control and stormwater harvesting. Serious issues of stormwater management in Australia are posed by the prospect of 35 million population of Australia by 2050.

  • How will Sydney’s existing stormwater infrastructure and that of other major population centres in NSW cope with change under the ‘high density’ urban consolidation option presently being implemented by councils and the state government ?
  • What strategies can be adopted to enable existing (competently-performing) infrastructure to manage these changes without expensive (conventional) upgrade?
  • How can re-development in catchments with existing under-performing stormwater infrastructure be managed to enable the existing in-ground works to progressively meet greater demand without expensive (conventional) upgrade?
  • Must the creeks and natural waterways falling within the municipal jurisdictions of the Greater Sydney area as well as those administered by regional municipal agencies in NSW be sacrificed to hard-lining in the wake of urban expansion?

Positive answers to these and many other questions based on WSUD ‘source control’ practice will be provided in the Workshop as well as a 30-minute presentation on how the City of Gosnells WA has incorporated this practice into its cost-effective urban re-growth strategy.

The Workshop will also include results of continuous simulation modelling of high-performing filter-bioretention systems enhanced by treatment taking place in parent soil masses; the fate of dissolved pollutants is singled out for particular attention.

The short course includes: design procedures based on state-of-the-art analyses and best overseas practices adapted to Australia-wide conditions; case study illustrations drawn from field installations   with between 10 and 18 years of Australian operational history; design ‘worked examples’; introduction and access to rainwater tank sizing software applicable across Australia. The Workshop includes an (optional) overnight tutorial exercise. The Workshop will be led by Professor John Argue.

Why you should attend the Workshop –

  • This is likely to be the only presentation of the Workshop in Sydney this year;
  • It covers the three main domains of WSUD practice – quantity (urban flooding), quality (pollution treatment/control) and stormwater harvesting – in a comprehensive, integrated manner;
  • The (stormwater) retention practices covered in the Workshop are featured in the 2017 AR&R Guidelines Revision (Book 9 – Urban Storm Drainage, currently being completed);
  • It earns participants 32 hours of CPD credit with Engineers Australia.

More information about the workshop including course content, cost and Registration Forms is available on the EEA website or by calling Emily on (07) 3226 3021.

Updated 21st April for change in date of the course.

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