UPDATE: this has been rescheduled to 27th November 2013 at the same venue.
The Water Panel is pleased to announce, despite the late notice, that the next event on its calendar will be a full day event titled What’s happening in flooding in Australia. This will be held at the UTS Aerial Function Centre on 23rd October and will cost $70, students are free but must pre-register. The cost will include full catering for the day.
Update 2013-10-02: the event registration and payment gateway is now up an running.
There is a lot going on in the flooding space in Australia at the moment. This includes the National Flood Risk Information Project (NFRIP), updating of Australian Rainfall and Runoff and the National Flood Manual. A number of projects underway are being funded by Geoscience Australia. This seminar will include an update on the upcoming milestones and deliverables of these projects. NFRIP which will undertake three core activities:
- Work towards making flood study mapping information freely available from a central location through an online flood information portal.
- Analyse Geoscience Australia’s historic archive of satellite imagery to derive water observations to help understand where flooding may have occurred in the past.
- Improve the quality of future flood information by completing the revision of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR).
- Geoscience Australia Representative (TBC)
- James Ball, Editor ARR, UTS
- Janice Green, Project Manager ARR Project 1 –IFD revision, BoM
- Duncan McLuckie, Editor “Managing the Floodplain”, NSW OEH
Time: 10am to 4pm
Catering: included (if you have special needs please contact us)
Cost: $70 to cover catering and venue hire. Full time students free subject to registration prior to the event (email: arr_admin@arr.org.au) Registration can be made at: https://events.engineersaustralia.org.au/ei/getdemo.ei?id=1881&s=_70S0ZGDRN
Venue: UTS Aerial Function Centre
Enquiries: Mark Babister (babister@wmawater.com.au) or Peter Brady (peter.brady@uts.edu.au)
Printable Flyer: a PDF printable flyer is available for download.