Letter from the organising committee:
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce that the preliminary technical program is now available for the next NCWE 11th National Conference on Hydraulics in Civil Engineering, to be held 25-27 June 2014 in Brisbane, Australia.
The technical program will provide symposium attendees with a unique opportunity to interface with leading Australian and international experts in hydraulic engineering, with presentations on current state-of-the-art practices, latest research results, and practical case histories related to the design and operation of hydraulic structures.
Please see the list of tentatively accepted papers for more details.
To provide you with the maximum opportunity to register for this exciting program, we have extended the Standard Registration period to the end of May 2014.
I encourage you to attend this important event on the calendar for the hydraulic engineering community. Please see below for more information, and feel free to forward this message to others. The technical program will include:
- Keynote presentations (see below)
- Technical Sessions with up to 40 oral presentations on Hydraulic Structures from 18 different countries
- Pre-Symposium Workshop on Australian Rainfall & Runoff
- Special Forum on 2D Modelling of Hydraulic Structures
- Technical Field Trip to 3 dams in South East Queensland
- Visit to University of Queensland Hydraulic Laboratory
The NCWE 11th National Conference on Hydraulics in Civil Engineering of Engineers Australiawill be held in conjunction with the IAHR 5th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures. The combined event has the theme of “Hydraulic Structures and Society – Engineering Challenges and Extremes”, and will focus on the role of hydraulic structures in meeting the challenge of extreme events while addressing the requirements imposed by our growing population, the environment, agriculture, industry, and tourism for current and future generations.
Keynote lectures will include:
Professor Bruce MELVILLE, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Hydraulics of stepped weirs and dam spillways: engineering challenges, labyrinths of researchProfessor Jorge MATOS, IST Lisbon, Portugal
I look forward to welcoming you in Brisbane in June.
Robert Janssen
Chair, Organising Committee