Closing date for abstract submission has been extended until Friday 23 May 2014.
This will be your last opportunity to submit an abstract for this conference
PRCC Conference 2014, Melbourne, 25-27 November 2014, as part of Engineers Australia’s Convention 2014
The conference is being held under the auspices of the:
- National Committee on Water Engineering
- National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering
- Environmental College
- Sustainable Engineering Society
The conference will provide an opportunity for engineers, policy makers, scientists, planners, academics and others to present, discuss and debate the latest research and practice relating to mitigation of, and adaption to, climate change.
You are invited to submit an abstract for the conference so that you can share your lessons and expertise on a range of structural and non-structural mitigation and adaptation approaches being implemented to manage for a changing and variable climate. You can choose one of the following broad topics:
- Water and waste water
- Coastal infrastructure
- Transport
- Energy
- Agriculture
- Waste
- Sustainable buildings
Conference Keynote Speakers
The following eminent keynote speakers in our industry have expressed interest in participating in the Conference:
- Major General The Honourable Michael Jeffery: Future directions for a sustainable world.
- Professor Iven Mareels: Role of Engineers in Climate change adaptation and mitigation
- Associate Professor Ron Cox: Sea level rise and other coastal hazards from climate change
- Professor Caroline Evans: Low carbon transport
- Professor John Thwaites: Legal and political approaches to sustainability
- Dr John Vargo: Organisational resilience in the face of climate change
As the Practical Responses to Climate Change conference will take place as a part of Engineers Australia’s Convention 2014, attendees will also have access to the general keynote sessions from John Howard, Tim Fischer, Ita Buttrose and others.
Conference Workshops
As part of the conference, workshops are proposed on Climate Change Policy, Sea Level Rise, and Australian Rainfall and Runoff.
Abstract Submission
The abstract should be no more than 400 words and should include;
- The title of the paper typed in capital letters and bolded
- List of authors and their affiliations
- Contact details for the corresponding authorTopic (from list above)
- Keywords
- Text of the abstract
Important Notes
- Abstracts should describe work which has not been presented at a previous PRCC Conference or elsewhere.
- At least one author from the accepted paper will be required to register to attend the Conference to present the work
- Abstracts will be printed in the conference handbook for accepted presentations.
- Full papers will be peer reviewed.
- Accepted full papers will be published online on the RMIT Informit database.
Abstracts should be submitted (in word or pdf format) directly to: Dr Mark Jempson