Latest Blog Posts / Page 11

Interaction of River and Coastal Flooding

Update 2015-10-29: This is now a joint presentation with Seth Westra presenting on the ARR methodology and Duncan McLuckie and Grantley Smith presenting recent work of practical guidance from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.

Flooding in the downstream regions of many coastal catchments is the result of the interaction between runoff generated by a weather event that elevates sea levels and/or estuary water levels. Historically assumptions have been made regarding either the independence of these events or the timing of rainfall or flood peaks and peak ocean and/or estuarine conditions eg. peak runoff and peak ocean or estuary levels coinciding. Assuming that the weather events that generated elevated ocean or estuary conditions and significant catchment runoff are independent can underestimate flood levels in coastal areas. Conversely an assumption that the flood peak coincides with the peak elevated ocean or estuary conditions can overestimate flood levels in coastal areas. In order to better understand flooding in coastal areas it is necessary to have an understanding of the role that severe weather conditions that create elevated ocean or estuary condition have in generating catchment runoff that floods coastal areas.

Speaker: Dr Seth Westra, The University of Adelaide
Seth is an academic and chartered professional engineer with 13 years of postgraduate experience across academia and industry, with expertise in extreme rainfall and flood risk estimation, hydrological modelling, water resources planning and management, and climate change impact assessments. He leads the University of Adelaide ‘Water Systems’ research group in the School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, and chairs the Australian Energy and Water Exchanges (OzEWEX) committee on trends and extremes in Australian natural hazards. He has contributed to several chapters of Australian Rainfall and Runoff, and has won numerous awards including the Water Industry Alliance ‘Minister’s Award for Excellence in Water Sustainability’ for a project on assessing the risk of climate change on Adelaide’s water security, and the Australian Institute of Policy and Science ‘Tall Poppy’ award.

Additional Biographies:

Speaker: Duncan McLuckie
Duncan is the Principal Flood Specialist in the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and Visiting Fellow at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Duncan has extensive experience in hydrology, hydraulics and water resources, having worked in the field since the 1980’s. He is the lead author of the recently released Australian Emergency Management Handbook 7: best practice in flood risk management in Australia and led the development of a range of associated guidelines. He was also a main author of the NSW Government’s Floodplain Development Manual (2005) and it’s supporting technical guidance. Duncan’s expertise is in flood risk management. He works at a strategic level with other agencies and industry and on working groups on a range of flood risk management policy, technical issues and industry education initiatives. He has also presented a wide range of papers on a broad range of flood risk management topics to state, national and international audiences over the last two decades.

Speaker: Grantley Smith
Grantley has specialist expertise in water resources management through a hands-on career investigating catchment processes. He is acknowledged by his peers as an expert in modelling catchments and floodplains and was instrumental in the pioneering use of 2D hydrodynamic models for floodplain flow prediction and inundation mapping Grantley is a lead author and key contributor to reports supporting the the national best practice manual Managing the floodplain – a guide to best practice in flood risk management in Australia (AEMI Handbook 7) and the revision of Australian Rainfall and Runoff. He has a particular interest in quantifying flood hazard exposure for the community and infrastructure and is looking forward to testing the response of a car in floodwaters at full scale in the near future.

Pre-registration is requested.

Free for EA members.
$30 for non-EA members.

Wednesday 4th November 2015
EA Auditorium Chatswood

Updated flyer: Water Panel Seminar – November 2015_v2

Water Panel 205 Annual General Meeting

The Water Panel is pleased to announce that its Annual General Meeting will be held at:

Fish Café
15th December 2015

RSVPs are mandatory at least two weeks out as we have to book the restaurant.  Please contact Monique Retallick.

ARR/WSUD Workshop

Overview (Updated 2015-08-11)

The ARR team, in conjunction with the 9th International WSUD Conference, are running an workshop to discuss the latest developments in the ARR revision, specifically in the WSUD and urban drainage space. Topics covered will include an overview of the new short duration IFDs and synthetic rainfall for continuous simulation as well as the design of retarding basins. Dr Peter Coombes will also be presenting on current directions in urban drainage.

When ARR is released there will be significant changes to the recommendations and guidelines across the hydrologic sector, with major flow on consequences to engineering and ecologic practice. This workshop is intended to introduce these changes to practitioners working in the fields of WSUD, short duration design and analysis as well as continuous simulation for process modelling. It is also a significant opportunity for industry practitioners to provide feedback to ARR authors and the editorial team into the direction and final outputs of ARR, which is scheduled for launch later this year.

Draft Schedule

The full day programme will run on Monday 19th October 2015.

Draft Workshop Programme
Time Topic Speaker
0900-0930 Arrival/Registration
0930-0945 Welcome Mark Babister
0945-1000 Major Changes to Urban Catchments James Ball
1000-1030 Outline of the New Runoff In Urban Catchments, Book 9 or ARR James Ball
1030-1100 Morning Tea
1100-1130 Temporal Patterns and Their Influence on Design Mark Babister
1130-1200 Urban Losses Rhys Thomson (TBC)
1200-1245 Urban Drainage and the Urban Water Cycle Peter Coombes
1245-1330 Lunch
1330-1400 Retarding and Detention Brett Phillips (TBC)
1400-1430 Generated Continuous Rainfall Sequences Ashish Sharma
1430-1500 Frequent Rainfall Janice Green
1500-1530 Afternoon Tea
1530-1545 Coastal Interaction TBC
1545-1630 Discussion Session/TBC TBC


Aerial UTS Function Centre
UTS Building 10, Level 7
235 Jones Street, Ultimo


Full details and costs at:

Printable Flyer

There is a printable PDF flyer (updated 2015-08-11)for distribution.

International Keynotes Announced for WSUD2015

This year’s Conference Steering Committee has bought together three International keynote speakers who are at the cutting edge of best practice in Water Sensitive Urban Design and Erosion and Sediment Control for the 9th International Water Sensitive Design Conference and the 3rd International Erosion Control Association National Conference.

Nanco Dolman
Royal HaskoningDHV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Nanco Dolman is a specialist in Water Resilience in Urban Areas at Royal HaskoningDHV.

Royal HaskoningDHV is an independent, global engineering and project management consultancy with nearly 7,000 colleagues across the world, working for public and private clients in more than 130 countries.

Nanco has a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Delft University of Technology (1998) and a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture (2008).

Nanco is a part time lecturer in Adaptive Urban Development at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Since 1998, Nanco has been the strategic advisor of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol for airport water management, water assessment and other water challenges related to airport planning.

As one of the Dutch front runners in Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), Nanco is specialized in bridging water resilient design and engineering in making cities less vulnerable to water extremes, urban heat, degrading environments and ongoing population growth.

Stephen White
Philadelphia Water Department, Pennsylvania, USA

Stephen White is a civil engineering specialist in the Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) monitoring group of the Office of Watersheds at Philadelphia Water, Pennsylvania, USA.

Stephen is currently implementing a Comprehensive Monitoring Plan for Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters program, an ambitious 25-year plan to reduce combined sewer overflows through Green Stormwater Infrastructure.

The GSI Monitoring Group provides qualitative and quantitative continuous and discrete performance data. With the number of GSI sites owned by the city already at four hundred different systems and expected to double in the coming years, GSI Monitoring is tasked with growing the number of monitored sites. He is working in partnership with Villanova University and Drexel University to intensively monitor select GSI and examine low cost, open source sensor technology.

Michael Harding
Geosyntec, California, USA

Michael V. Harding, CPESC, CESSWI, is a senior consultant based in California with more than 35 years of experience in erosion and sediment control, resource management, mined land reclamation, wildlife habitat development, and diffuse source pollution.

Mike is one of the leading technical experts in the erosion control and stormwater industries. He specializes in stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) development, implementation, inspection, and compliance. He also ranks among the nation’s leaders in the evaluation, research, development, and application of cost-effective erosion control materials and techniques.

Stormwater NSW Water Leadership Seminar

Stormwater NSW Leadership 2015 Event Logo

Empowering Women in Leadership to Exert Influence and Drive Change

When and Where

Thursday, 6th August, 2015
12.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Mantra Hotel Parramatta
Cnr Parkes St and Valentine Ave, Parramatta


Stormwater NSW, would like to invite you and your colleagues to attend the Water Leadership Seminar to be held at the Mantra Parramatta on Thursday, 6th August, 2015.

This leadership event is aimed at all professionals, men and women, in the water industry in technical and non-technical roles. The Seminar provides a professional development opportunity to explore leadership, mentoring, networks and career development opportunities for women and those who value and support women in leadership within the urban water sector.

A dynamic group of speakers from the political, executive, public sector and corporate leadership backgrounds will share insights, knowledge and explore leadership development challenges and opportunities.

To Register and Full Details

PDFs of the Slides from the 2D Workshop

As of 2015-07-14 these are the slides that I’ve received from the presenters:

Bill Syme has promised his but is on the road right now.  I’ll update this post as soon as I have received the PDF.

Full Day 2D Workshop

The Sydney Water Panel is running a full day 2D Modelling Workshop. Those with an interest in two-dimensional modelling and flood hydraulics should find this a fascinating insight into the current techniques for application in solving complex flooding problems. The workshop will also be a great opportunity to network and hear what other 2D modellers are doing.

Event Programme
Time Topic Speaker
0900 – 1000 Arrival/Registration
1000 – 1015 Introduction
1015 – 1100 Appraisal of approaches for assessing bridge losses using a 2D model Bill Syme
1100 – 1130 Morning Tea
1130 – 1215 Assessment of bridge losses using a range of 2D modelling tools – Gold Coast Case Study Andrew McCowan
1215 -1300 Sources of information which are available to validate numerical models (bridge hydraulics) Grantley Smith
1300 – 1415 Lunch
1415 – 1500 Modelling Structures and Bends – Benchmarking Study Bill Syme
1500 – 1600 Direct Rainfall versus Lumped Rainfall-Runoff Modelling Approaches Rhys Thomson
1600 – 1630 Afternoon tea and networking

Date and Location

16th June 2015
UTS Aerial Function Centre Jones Street, Ultimo


Early Bird Registration (closes 1 June 2015) ==> Members $150 + GST

After 1 June 2015 ==> Members $250 + GST Non Members $300 + GST

Morning Tea, Lunch and Afternoon tea included

Online registration is now open.

For further information contact Scott Button



Attendance at this session is worth up to 6 Engineers Australia CPD hours.

Printable Flyer

A printable PDF flyer is available for further distribution.

POEO Act Workshop

IECA Australiasia is running a full day workshop on the NSW POEO Act, 1997 on 12th June 2015.  If you are interested see their website for full details.

Continue Reading…

12th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering

On behalf of the Ecohydraulics Committee of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and the National Committee on Water Engineering of Engineers Australia (EA), I am delighted to invite you to the 12th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering on 9-11 Feb 2016, in Melbourne, Australia. This conference will be run jointly with the 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE2016).

Under the overall theme of Hydraulics and the Environment – Working with Nature, the National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering will focus on the ways in which hydraulics contributes to sustainable engineering investigations and design in the water environment.

It is my pleasure to announce that the 12th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering technical program will include the following:

  • Keynote presentations, including Henderson Oration
  • Technical Sessions with oral and poster presentations on water engineering hydraulics

This conference is being jointly run with the 11th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (ISE2016), which will take place on 7-12 Feb. Delegates have the option of registering for the full ISE 2016 meeting (including registration for the three-day Hydraulics in Water Engineering conference) or register just for the three-day Hydraulics in Water Engineering conference.

Abstracts are due on the 22nd May 2015. Further details of the conference, submission of abstracts and registration are available on the joint conference web-site

Deputy Director Three Gorges to Speak In Sydney

The Deputy Directory of the Three Gorges Corporation, Mr Qihua Ding, is visiting Australia and has agreed to present to the Sydney Water Panel when he is in Sydney.  In this seminar Mr Qihua Ding, China Three Gorges Corporation will discuss the construction and operation of the Three Gorges Dam Complex. Those with an interest in civil construction and flood hydraulics should find this a fascinating insight to the scale and complexity of this iconic project.

About the Speaker: Qihua Ding, China Three Gorges Corporation
Qihua Ding is Deputy director of the Three Gorges complex operation and management Bureau and has over 30 years’ experience in Hydraulic and electrical project construction, specialising in hydraulic structure engineering. His wide range work positions includes deputy chief of technical division, chief of information department, chief of construction management department, vice chief of quality supervisor office and general manager of pump storage power station. Currently, he takes responsibility of operation and management of the Three Gorges Project.

CPD Hours

Attendance at this session is worth up to 1.5 Engineers Australia CPD hours.


6pm, Tuesday 28th April 2015 UTS Aerial Function Centre Jones Street, Ultimo.

Starting at 6pm, canapés will be served prior to the presentation. The presentation itself will begin at 7pm.


Pre-registration is mandatory and there is a cost associated with this event to cover the last minute room hire and catering.

The venue has limited capacity so I suggest registering early.

Printable Flyer

A printable PDF flyer is available for download.

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