Provisional Programme AVAILABLE NOW!
We hope that you are looking forward to the upcoming joint Conference for NZ Hydrological Society, Australian Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and IPENZ Rivers Group
We are delighted to present the first edition of the provisional programme for the 2016 conference. We received a record-large number of abstracts. Based on external reviews and a thorough assessment by the Scientific Committee, we are proud of the result.
The Conference will also feature:
- Over 30 posters
- Four keynote speakers
- A full day of Field Trips
- Welcome function at the Copthorne Hotel
- Student function
- Conference dinner at the Skyline Gondola
- An International Hydrometry Workshop
- 13+ Exhibitors
This conference is proving to be one that you will not want to miss.
If you haven’t already registered you can follow the links below, make sure you do so before the 14th of October to take advantage of the extended earlybird rate.
We look forward to welcoming you to Queenstown!
From the Organising Committee,
Charles Pearson (NZ Chair) // NIWA
Mark Babister (Australia Chair) // WMA Water
Sarah Mager // Otago University
Lawrence Kees // Environment Southland
Tim Davie // ECan
Jo Hoyle // NIWA
James Ball // University of Technology Sydney
Monique Retallick // WMA Water
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