We are pleased to announce that the next presentation is titled Introduction to the Guidelines for the Maintenance of Stormwater Treatment Measures and is co-hosted by Stormwater NSW.  It is scheduled for:

6pm 17th March 2020
PSA House Auditorium
160 Clarence Street

The event is free for EA and SNSW members, but we really prefer pre-registration so that we can manage numbers for the venue.


This presentation will provide an overview of the Stormwater NSW Operations and Maintenance Manual and how the manual assists the engineering operations of asset managers.  Areas covered in the manual include:

  1. Key failure mechanisms in stormwater treatment measures
  2. Monitoring and general asset management
  3. Overview of specific types of treatment measures, e.g. pits, ponds, permeable pipes, etc.
  4. Waste management and disposal including dewatering
  5. Audit processes for stormwater management measures
  6. Rectification of asset failures
  7. Extension of existing coverage of “green assets” to include proprietary systems

This presentation will provide a general overview of the manual, the processes behind its development, and how its use will help practitioners improve maintenance outcomes.

Presented by Murray Powel

Murray’s career began with the NSW EPA in 1993 and has since worked with two proprietors, one consultant and one Council.  Leveraging this diverse portfolio, Murray launched Optimal Stormwater in 2009 and remains the General Manager.  Murray has experience across Stormwater management, with specialist expertise in Stormwater treatment and Stormwater Harvesting.  He is also a past president of Stormwater NSW and his ongoing association with Stormwater NSW led to Murray becoming the lead author of the Guidelines for the Maintenance of Stormwater treatment Measures manual.