The next panel presentation, which is incredibly relevant to the current drought, is scheduled for:
26th November 2019
BoM Elizabeth Street Office
Register/Network from 5:30pm
Formal Start: 6:00pm
We already have a lot of interest for this so please ensure that you pre-register to ensure your place.
Droughts cause significant problems in Australia. However, we still do not know the true chance of a drought occurring or how reliable existing infrastructure is for dealing with current and future drought impacts. This talk (i) summarises recent research that demonstrates how drought risk changes due to multidecadal climate variability and (ii) discusses the implications of this for water management, policy and infrastructure.

Keynote speakers
A/Prof Anthony Kiem – University of Newcastle Anthony Kiem is a hydroclimatologist from the Centre for Water, Climate and Land (CWCL) at the University of Newcastle. His research focus is on understanding the drivers and impacts of climate variability and change in the Asia-Pacific region. Of particular interest are hydrological extremes and how these may change in the future. Anthony has also been involved in a wide range of consulting projects where insights into the impacts of climate variability and change are used to enable stakeholders from a range of public and private sector organisations to better assess their climate related risk and to
develop more informed climate adaptation and
mitigation strategies.
Dr Tessa Vance – University of Tasmania Tessa Vance develops high resolution palaeoclimate records with a view to understanding long-term climate change. She has a particular interest in developing rainfall and drought records for Australia and the Pacific region over the last 2000 years, and in understanding the underlying climate processes that cause rainfall variability. She has worked for the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre in a research capacity since mid-2010.
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