Unprecedented growth in Sydney is putting pressures on the receiving waters. The increases in nutrients runoff and discharges affect the aquatic health and can influence the liveability of urban areas near receiving waters. Management of these nutrients will be critical in ensuring liveable healthy communities through maintaining aquatic health and supporting the economic activities on the rivers and creeks.

Keynote Speakers
Iain Fairbairn
Executive Lead
Environmental Performance
Sydney Water
Iain began his career at Sydney Water in water and wastewater operational roles across northern and western Sydney. He has specialised in advanced tertiary wastewater treatment, recycled water production and biosolids management. Over the last decade he has focused on the development of product and asset management strategies and the role that effective regulation can play in achieving waterway outcomes. Iain is leading the Hawkesbury-Nepean River Nutrient Management Project.
Dr Kefeng Zhang
Senior Research Associate
Dr. Kefeng Zhang is a senior research associate at Water Research Centre, UNSW Sydney. His research areas include stormwater quality monitoring and modelling, Water Sensitive Urban Design (Sponge City, Nature-based Solutions, Low Impact Development) green technologies (e.g. stormwater bioretentions and green walls) development, monitoring, validation and modelling, and integrated urban water modelling
Venue: PSA House
Date: 7th May 2019
Time: 2:30-4:30pm
Members & students: $0.00
Non-members: $30.
Registration closes 1st May 2019
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