On 12-13 June 2019 we will be holding a symposium marking George’s formal retirement from The University of Newcastle and the start of George’s post-university career and lifestyle. This will be a symposium open to all George’s friends and professional colleagues to celebrate the myriad of contributions George has made to hydrology research and professional practice throughout his career, and to look forward to the future in these areas by identifying Grand Challenges in research, practice, and how to link the two.

The two days of the symposium will be split into two halves. The current planning is:
- The first day will focus on Australian Rainfall and Runoff practice and challenges, looking forward to the next steps beyond the existing revisions to Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR).
- In the morning there will be a practitioner workshop focussing on case studies and how to achieve consistency in application of ARR.This workshop will be run by the National Committee for Water Engineering of the Engineers Australia as part of their outreach program re the latest revisions in ARR.
- After lunch will be the formal opening of the symposium.
- The afternoon will consist of presentations and panel sessions on selected ARR topics focussing on topics of specific interest and relevance to George.
- The second day will focus on George’s contributions in Infrastructure Optimisation, Model Uncertainty and Parameter Estimation. The format will be the same as the previous afternoon with presentations and panel sessions. The day and the symposium will conclude with presentations on Hydrology Grand Challenges for the future.
- On the evening of the first day there will be a dinner where there will no doubt be a little collegial roasting of George. .
The talks will consist of a mix of invited plenaries and submitted talks of relevance to the session topics and George’s professional activities. We are currently calling for abstracts for short talks from the broader hydrology community (i.e. get your thinking hats on for something appropriate). The submitted talks will be verbal only with no printed paper or proceedings.
More details at http://kuczera.telluricresearch.com/
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