The Australian section of the ASCE is hosting its regular free Sydney Summer Lecture series again this year with Jeff Cooper visiting. Jeff is the Director of Municipal Services with NV5 which is a provider of engineering and consulting services to public and private sector clients as well as being the ASCE Region 9 Governor, that is for California.
In this lecture, Jeff Cooper will speak on funding local infrastructure projects in California in the USA. Due to taxing limitations, communities often need to get creative in funding projects. The presentation discusses the challenges, the options and the ways to be successful in funding projects. In addition, 3 specific projects will be presented: Undergrounding Overhead Utility Districts; Street Light Improvement Districts; Sewer fees for improvements and maintenance.
5 for 5:30pm
Thursday 15th November 2018
Cardno Conference Room
Level 9, 203 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065
Also available online:
If you plan to attend in person or remotely then please:
Email Kitty Kan at: Or call her on Telephone +61 2 9496 7700
By Wednesday 14 November 2018.
Printable Flyer
A printable PDF flyer is available for download.
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