American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Australian Section is presenting a Master Class on Principles of Streambank Analysis and Application of the Bank Stability and Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM).
The Master Class will be presented by Dr Andrew Simon on the 5th August 2014, starting at 8.15am at Cardno Conference Room, Level 9, 203 Pacific Highway, St Leonards.
Dr. Andrew Simon is a geomorphologist with 30 years of experience in mechanistic analysis of unstable-channel systems, streambank erosion, cohesive-sediment entrainment, the role of riparian vegetation, “reference” sediment-transport rates, and river restoration, working on projects throughout the United States and around the globe.
His interests are in quantifying the effects of imposed channel and landscape disturbances, and mitigation measures on channel response and sediment loads. He is an internationally recognized scientist and project manager, designing field, laboratory and numerical-modeling studies, leading and participating in field data collection, analyzing and synthesizing data, and preparing technical reports. He is the author of more than 100 technical publications and the editor of several books.
The fee for this seminar is $275 per attendee (inclusive of GST).
Please refer to the attached PDF link for additional information about the speaker, the registration form and the program for the Master Class.
More information is available at the ASCE Australia Section website.
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