The UN World Water Assessment Program would like to share a number of new publications addressing Water and Climate Change, produced in anticipation of the COP 15 discussions. These new publications draw from the findings of the UN World Water Development Report: Water in a Changing World (2009).
- Briefing Note: The Implications of Climate Change for Water – Highlights on Climate Change from the WWDR3 (by Jim Winpenny, for the World Water Assessment Programme, November 2009) [8 pages, PDF 612 KB]
- Special Report: Water and Climate Change – An Overview from the WWDR (by Joana Talafre and Friederike Knabe, for the World Water Assessment Programme, November 2009) [28 pages, PDF 2.73 MB]
Additionally, UN-Water presented its key messages on water and climate change as a contribution to COP 15 in the following document:
- UN-Water Key Messages on Climate Change and Water [PDF 314 KB]
Lastly, over the past year a number of publications addressing water and climate change have been released through WWAP’s Side Publications series:
- Water Adaptation in National Adaptation Programmes for Action Freshwater in Climate Adaptation Planning and Climate Adaptation in Freshwater Planning by Gunilla Björklund, Håkan Tropp, Joakim Harlin, Alastair Morrison and Andrew Hudson for UNDP
- Confronting the Challenges of Climate Variability and Change through an Integrated Strategy for the Sustainable Management of the La Plata River Basin by Enrique Bello, Jorge Rucks and Cletus Springer for the Department of Sustainable Development, Organization of American States
- Water and Climate Change: Citizen Mobilization, a Source of Solutions by Marie-Joëlle Fluet, International Secretariat for Water; Luc Vescovi, Ouranos, and Amadou Idrissa Bokoye, Environment Canada
- Freshwater biodiversity versus anthropogenic climate change by Luc Vescovi (Conseil de la science et de la technologie, Québec), Dominique Berteaux (Université du Québec à Rimouski), David Bird (Université du Québec à Montréal), Sylvie de Blois (McGill University) – Scientific Paper Series
- Climate Changes, Water Security and Possible Remedies for the Middle East by Jon Martin Trondalen for UNESCO PCCP
- A Multi-Model Experiment to Assess and Cope with Climate Change Impacts on the Châteauguay Watershed in Southern Quebec by Luc Vescovi, Ouranos; Ralf Ludwig, Department of Geography, University of Munich; Jean-François Cyr, Richard Turcotte and Louis-Guillaume Fortin, Centre d’Expertise Hydrique du Québec; Diane Chaumont, Ouranos; Marco Braun and Wolfram Mauser, Department of Geography, University of Munich
- Water and Climate Change in Quebec by Luc Vescovi, Ouranos; Pierre Baril, Ministry of Transport, Québec; Claude Desjarlais ; André Musy; and René Roy, Hydro-Québec. All authors are members of the Ouranos Consortium
For more information on the UN World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) or the UN World Water Development Report: Water in a Changing World (2009), please visit us at our website:
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